Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ice on the trees

Our street on January 7. Ice coated the trees, but the streets were just wet.


Anonymous said...

This is a lovely photo. You did a great job capturing the neighborhood ambiance, and the winter chill all at the same time.

Michele said...

It's so pretty when the ice coats trees and other objects... "nature's glass" but when it's on the streets, not good but in this case, I can say honestly, that's beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

We have ice all over the place here where I live. Some of the major roads are just wet but it would take forever to get into my daughter's car covered in ice.

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Latane Barton said...

When ice is on the branches it makes the entire world look like a fairyland. Great if you can stay inside.

Gawdess said...

beautiful and interesting