Friday, January 23, 2009

Canada geese visit

Yesterday at sunset I was outside and heard a lot of honking in the sky. A large flock of geese flew overhead and landed in the field behind our house. It was already too dark to get any pictures, but I heard them honking long after dark. Today I spotted a small flock flying low across the field. So I went outside to take some shots. They landed on the far side of the field. Soon a second flock flew by and circled (above) to land with the others. And then a third flock (below) joined the crowd. The number of geese tonight was 20 os so - much smaller (and quieter) than last night's group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely sharing. I miss living where the wildlife mingles with people. Here we pretty much see the same 6 or so types of birds.

I also miss posting my photos. My computer died and I've not been able to get out and about to get more pics. However, the weekend is coming.