Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hawk returns

Thursday while cutting the grass, I spotted three hawks circling low over the houses down the street. My camera was inside so I just watched for a few minutes. A fourth joined them as they rode the breeze higher and higher. Then a fifth appeared. They drifted west and soon were out of sight. I cranked the lawn mower and resumed my task. Then a single hawk flew low over the common area beside our house. So I got the camera. The hawk flew over the trees to the field and I followed and was able to get a few shots.


quilly said...

Beautiful shots! How lucky you were to get to enjoy this!

Sylvia K said...

Magnificent shots, Lew! How beautiful to see him against that blue, blue sky! Marvelous!

angelfeet said...

Those are fabulous shots. I especially like the angle of the second one.

Anonymous said...

These are Turkey Vultures... Nice shots.