Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 195 - Interrupted mowing

I was trying to beat the rain and finish cutting the grass this afternoon, but didn't. The wet grass and the uncut portion make for an interesting edge in the green.


imac said...

Hi Lew, you sure looks as if you have a fair sized lawn there.
You right about it makes for a great capture.

Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments, keep watching for more of Austria.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it also makes for an uneven cut when you finally get around to finished the job, Lew. But your photo also tells me that you have the ability to see a photographic opportunity too!

I don't know how many times I've been caught the same way and how many times I had to leave it go until the next week. This year, with the price of gas I've reduced mowing our 2 acres of mowable grass in the rear to once every two weeks--the front gets cut weekly. Also got a new tractor this year with a 5 foot belly mower that has reduced that long job to just a couple of hours now.

Thanks for your comment on the blog award I received, Lew.

Mary said...

Hi Lew,
Not sure how I found your blog, but I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your pictures. This one is very peaceful -- it reminds me of those mowed mazes that people walk through to reflect...

Hope the lawn got mowed eventually... :)

Gawdess said...

like a halo!