Sunday, September 25, 2011

Odd Shots - Sheep's clothing?

I do not expect to see fancy sweaters on farm animals around here, but I spotted these newly shorn sheep at the fair wearing what appeared to be non-wool clothing.

For more "Odd Shots" visit Katney's Kaboodle.


Sylvia K said...

What a hoot! And what great shots -- glad you got them or who would have believed it! Well, they are colorful and guess they're warm, too! Hope you've had a great weekend, Lew!
Thanks for the smiles!


Katney said...

Oh, my! They really must feel pretty naked when they are shorn. This is a great Odd Shot.

Love the new butterfly header, too.

Anonymous said...

It does remind me of those see-thru net hose worn by what we call "hookers" or mother would have said, "Loose Ladies." I suppose the ladies part makes being loose a kind of virtue.

If I had to fall in love with a sheep, I would prefer model wearing wool not Spandex. Lovely photography. I feel a need for a steroid. lol