Sunday, February 26, 2012

Verified words? - 18-th edition

Verified Words are new words created by blogger to test our ability to decipher strange fonts (and foil the spammers). Occasionally, blogger provides a real word when I comment on your blogs. I will post new editions in place of "Odd Shots" for a while. Here are three more of my definitions along with the suggestions of and wikipedia. First edition was posted as Round 1. Today's words:

oventrot - NOT a word, suggested "eventerate".
wikipedia - NOT a word, suggested "overt".
Lew's definition: oven-trot - What the baker does when the cake starts smoking.

padsly - NOT a word, suggested "pads".
wikipedia - NOT a word, suggested "paddy".
Lew's definition: pad-sly - Sneaking extra charges on your bill.

porsid - NOT a word, suggested "poesied".
wikipedia - NOT a word, suggested "persid".
Lew's definition: por-sid - The non-visible Perseid meteor shower.


Sylvia K said...

I love it, Lew!! They do come up with some odd ball words, don't they? Anything to make it harder to have fun! But you've you've outfoxed them this time!! Enjoy your day!


imac said...

Fantabolous, lol.

Al said...

I like them. I also sometimes think of definitions for these almost-words put up by Blogger.