Sunday, February 28, 2010

Verified words? - 12-th edition

Recently, I have encountered some real words (canter, stings, skins) as I commented on your blogs. However I also encountered more "word verifications" that require definitions. Below are my definitions along with the suggestions of and wikipedia. First edition was posted as Round 1. Today's words:

merimate - NOT a word, suggested "marinate"
wikipedia - NOT a word, suggested "merimee"
Lew's definition: mer-i-mate - a happy spouse

pekibee - NOT a word, suggested "peckier"
wikipedia - NOT a word, suggested "perigee"
Lew's definition: pek-i-bee - a game played around the hive.

cessi - NOT a word, suggested "cess".
wikipedia - NOT a word, suggested "cesi".
Lew's definition: ces-si - the monster in the septic tank.

1 comment:

Katney said...

Spellcheck comes up with some doozies, as well.