Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 239 - Not still life

David McMahon of authorblog was challenged to photograph a flying butterfly. As it is still winter down under in Melbourne and the Aussie butterflies don't like cold, he has to wait awhile before undertaking the challenge. I have been watching one of these small (about an inch long), white creatures (possibly a moth?) flit around our yard for several weeks. It would follow the fence down one side, across the back and up the other side. I had never seen it land on anything. Today I got my camera and followed it as it went around the garage and landed briefly on the salvia, took a sip of nectar and was off again. For a more colorful butterfly in flight, see Quilly's post.


Anonymous said...

Hi! My link notifier flagged you as having mentioned me. Thanks for the shout. I like your first butterfly photo. It looks very sweet and delicate. Your second one looks like most of the ones I captured. Believe me, the one I posted was pure luck, not talent.

Sandie said...

I like the movement in the second one. Nice shots.

Louise said...

Love it in flight!

Gawdess said...
