Friday, January 25, 2013

Reflections - D3100 self portrait

Back in December my old camera started giving me the shutter release error. The manual said to consult Nikon.I did a web search and found others who had solved the problem with a little lubrication of the red gear in the bottom of the camera. That worked for a few days the problem returned. It seems fixing Nikon cameras is not a quick process, so I found new camera body, the D3100. It has a larger sensor and more features. The reflection is in our mirror that is made of vertical sections. Second image was flipped in PhotosShop. I plan to get the D40X repaired and use it as a backup.
Hosted by James at Weekend reflections.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

PhotoShop - Red reflection

For my Weekend reflection post, I used a photo of a tree reflected on the red hood of our van. Some thought is was an edited image, but the only change was to resize it for blogger. So I decided to play around with the image with PhotoShop. First I rotated 90 degrees and applied auto color correction.

Next I adjusted hue and saturation to get the yellowish tree. And below I removed color, increased contrast a lot, and reduced brightness a little. I like the effect of the black and white, with sky highlights in this last one.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Reflections - in red

The red hood of our van adds a nice shade to reflections.
Hosted by James at Weekend reflections.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Reflections - Sunrise doubled

Our windows are double panes, so reflections yield unusal effects depending on the angle and light. Thursday morning the sunrise reflection also had a "shadow" reflection.
Hosted by James at Weekend reflections.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Reflections - of snow

A reflection of falling snow in the puddle from melting snow.
Hosted by James at Weekend reflections.